Say hello to Omdig!

Websites & Branding created for you by real people, who really listen and talk tech in a language you understand.

We can help you develop and establish your brand, update your existing website (or build you a new one), write copy and create content for you in your own authentic ‘voice’ and work with you to produce a logo and brand identity that you will love!

We are still building our new website but if you want to talk to us, we’d love to hear from you.

om dɪ́g ~

Om dig [/om dɪ́g] Swedish /om dɪ́g/ pronounced:/(om)//deɪ/. English translation: “About You” (as in sköt om dig – take care of yourself)

It's all about you

Om dig – We discovered this phrase whilst brainstorming names for our new web business. (It’s Swedish and it’s actually pronounced ‘Om-day”). We’re not Swedish but we are half South African and anyway we’ll answer to any permutation!

Omdig is our loveable, punchier cousin of (Omnitech Digital Ltd) – smaller and more focused on helping you with everything you need to launch your new website.

Your Brand

Let us help you discover your uniqueness, your audience, your  voice.

Your Business

We work to your budget and your requirements.

You're Important!

Actually you’re the most important aspect of our business and we won’t be happy until you are!

Mobile-first design

With 60% of web traffic coming from mobile devices, a mobile-first approach is a must. We begin the web design process for the smallest devices first and then add more functionality for bigger screen sizes and guess what – we still use pen and paper!

Secure, Simple & Beautiful

Over 40% of the internet is powered by WordPress. We build WordPress websites and WooCommerce sites, which are secure, cost effective, easy to use and look great too.

Om dig. It's all About You

Call 07964 821087 to discuss your new project today

or email us with your requirements